Sunday, March 29, 2015

Shakeology Sunday: Thin Mint Inspired

I'm having one of "those" times of the month where I'm deeply craving sweets.  I can pass up a lot of things, but my vice in the realm of sweets is actually cookies.  I already know I can't live without my Shakeology so I thought I would combine the two!

While unlike most people I'm not a Thin Mint addict (more of a Tagalong person myself), I do enjoy them periodically so I thought I would experiment with a recipe that has gotten passed around quite a bit and make myself a "healthy" liquid Thin Mint!

Here is how it is done!

Blend or shake up:

8-16 oz. cashew milk (or other dairy or nut milk)

up to 1 tsp. Pure Mint Extract

1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology

ice to taste (optional)

It really does taste like a Thin Mint cookie!  This recipe will definitely stay in my rotation!  Stay tuned!  I'll share my "go to" recipe next week which is (surprise surprise) Reese's Peanut Butter Cup (yum my favorite!) or Tagalong inspired!


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